Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alang-Alang Grass - Traditional Bali Thatched Roof

Elements of traditional Balinese architecture are successfully implemented in many villas, luxury boutique hotels and private residences. Organic materials such as bamboo, timber and alang-alang grass are used for roof structures. Thatched-roof designs in Bali make handsome exterior proportions with appealing natural textures.

The natural colors and textures of the alang-alang grass roof combined with bamboo, carved wood, stone and brick walls give visual interest and warmth design on the building. Honesty exposed elements of Balinese architecture reflects the Balinese spirit of love in nature beauty and natural materials.

With our experienced and loyal partners, we are able to serve the work of individual bale or residences, as well as the big scale of commercial projects such as villas, restaurants, spa or resorts. Please let us assist you by serving you in design and building your dream villa in Bali.

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